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December 08, 2005

reprieve from the rain


there are times when i give thanks for global climate change. for instance, when it's december and i'm riding around San Francisco on dry pavement, in a short sleeve t-shirt. we've only had 1 bad rain day, last thursday it was, and i had sufficient rain gear that only my feet got soaked, and that not until after 1 pm. today was supposed to pour, and instead the sun came out and i had long deliveries all day long and i felt happy and strong.


my friend clare from scotland came and visited last weekend. we met 4 and a half years ago on a train in greece, and i went to visit her in scotland shortly after that, but since then it's only been occasional emails. her visit was really fun, we walked my neighborhood and the park a lot, went on a good drive with colin to the beaches and the russian supermarket (my new favorite place for weird groceries), saw the de young museum, visited poor molly, who was hit by a car last friday and broke her poor ankle, and did a lot of catching up. all my roommates were fascinated by her glasgow accent, and we had some good times hanging out with the roommates, talking about traveling and politics. phil even drove us up to muir woods, which i hadn't visited since right after i moved here the first time, with buzz and kristy.

IMG_0080.JPG poor mollie

so i'm at a similiar place to where i was a year ago this time, deciding whether to buy a plane ticket to south america, when everything here is so good. i'm happy with my job, my house is treating me well, i have tons of friends, and i'm beginning to work on some good projects that i've been thinking about for a while. at the same time, colombia calls, as well as a chance to go to caracas first and attend the world social forum with my friends james and antonio. these decisions always vex me, but what helps me decide is ruminating on what i'll regret doing, or in this case not doing. that's gonna help me decide.
other things that are good: megan is back from being gone for a month, there are 2 alleycat races coming up the 17th and 18th, my folks will be down that weekend as well, i'm going up to reno for the xmas/hannukkah weekend, i bought an ibis cyclocross frame for a really good price, my new bike is rad, and there are tons of friends and parties to attend to this coming weekend, so much so that i won't get to do it all. man, life is good.
be well all, i'll stick photos on this entry later today or tomorrow.



Posted by bendan at December 8, 2005 05:29 PM

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