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November 21, 2005
Indian Winter
Last night i made a list of all the places i'd like to move to, and the reasons why i wanted to move to those places. mostly those reasons had to do with being closer to friends or learning new languages.
Seems i'm always trying to figure out where to go next. i guess i get restless or worried i'll settle somewhere and not keep exploring. That said, San Francisco is treating me so well these days, i feel ungrateful to be thinking about wanting to move away. the last week and a half has felt like the summer we didn't get in August, with clear skies, t-shirt and shorts weather, tons of parties, and the nicest conditions for bike riding i can remember. My new job is working out well and i'm happy there, and everyday i work someone tells me how lucky i am not be stuck in an office. usually i smile and agree, but i know i'll be singing a different song in a few weeks when it's raining like hell and i'm soaked to the bone from the minute i walk out my door until i come home and throw my soggy clothes in the dryer. not gonna think about that now.
going to Reno on Thursday for Thanksgiving, looking forward to seeing the family and hanging out with all the other Reno kids who moved away and who i only see on holidays.
this japanese guy yodeled and sang country songs. colin loves him.
180 capri suns, injected with vodka. i drank more then a few. peter looks silly in this photo.
cyclocross race in Golden Gate Park.
why don't i live in the mission? it's a good question. this little girl looked happy eating her popsicle.
the romance of the unicorn and the narwhale.
Posted by bendan at November 21, 2005 07:43 AM
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