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December 18, 2005
my tattoo doesn't hurt enough, a year later
i listen to the band from which it came
and want it to sting again,
deep into my skin
like the music should,
as it did when i first became a believer
when i was 18.
3 weekends in a row
of my best friend
playing it for me
before that refrain stuck
and suddenly i knew why young people
make these decisions
that are law
for the rest of their lives,
and they,
and we,
how we laugh when people ask
if this color
forever into our skin
will look shabby when we are old,
if we will regret??!!
i leave for colombia the 20th of january, unsure but excited about what i will attempt to write there. my life has been beautiful lately, so much so that i feel like it's boasting to talk about it sometimes. i'm going to reno for the holiday weekend, excited to see friends who i only see that one weekend a year. right now i want my next tattoo, the one that will commemorate how much i love and have loved bicycles since when i was young, but i still lack the appropriate art, so it must wait.
Posted by bendan at December 18, 2005 02:05 AM
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