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March 31, 2004

the last days

finished my last day of work yesterday, got out quick, didn't make much money but i had to be home anyways. it felt sad in a way to bit goodbye to my mexican and american friends, the mexicans said i was a "good gringo," which i thought was a pretty good compliment. then i went home and finished what is maybe my last article for the news and review. owen came over and we bought a firewire harddrive to use for a few days and then return, knowing full well we'll get stuck with a 15% restocking fee. it's a last resort, our access up at unr is cut down and dawn, who would let us use her computer, has no disc space left.
worked 2 hours last night, then from 9 to 7 today with an hour break on our 5 minute promo piece for cockeyed tv. owen and i laid all the audio, scrubbed the hell out of it, i felt bone tired but content to have done lots of work, he's gonna figure out what we're gonna lay over the audio while i'm in portland, then as soon as i get back it's back to the lab for what should only be 5 hours more, then we ship it off to l.a. and cross our fingers. it feels good that i'm writing for the paper and doing video again, that plus the writing i've been doing lately on my own has been gratifying enough so that i'm not bummed about my bill paying job. gonna try hard to find something better when i get to s.f. then what i have lined up, not that it's bad, and in truth i'd probably make more doing it, but i'd like to use my brain more.
was gonna write a bit about how i feel moving away from reno, thoughts about it have consumed me, all kinds of conflicts about if i'm giving up on the town, and if i'll ever be back. ran into jacob plougher (sp?) yesterday, he's doing real estate appraisal, he said he's ok with being here now, but it took him 5 years living away to be able to come back. maybe that will be me, maybe i'll never be back. this town's kinda burned in my skin though, can't deny it.
off to portland tomorrow, it'll be good to see the drewish in his natural element. think we're going climbing outside on sunday, gonna ride bikes around a lot and hang out with the spaceman, lainy and dustin, it'll be real good times, i know already. then it's back to reno for 2 and a half days, then off and up out.

Posted by bendan at March 31, 2004 01:46 AM

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» good times from drewish.com
boy, i'm not really into posting on the website. i managed to avoid any mention of my spring break trip... [Read More]

Tracked on April 5, 2004 10:20 AM


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