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May 17, 2003

exactly a year since i graduated

went to the graduation to watch shanny, dawn, owen and some others graduate. it got me to thinking, about all that i've done since i graduated. been to alaska, traveled a ton, read a lot of books. it's been a good year.
i'm heading over the dawn's for her fabled vegan food grad party, hope i can find a ride and don't have to haul my own ass out there on my bike. speaking of bikes, had my first crash since i've been back, it was an easy one, when i was coming back from rockclimbing i didn't have the strength to pull the brakes while coming down a hill and fell over, skinning my knee and elbow. not so bad, the nurses at work gave me triple antibiotic cream. i'm realizing that if i had the money, i'd prolly do that entire course in arizona, just cause being a court interpreter would be easy in many places, though it doesn't interest me as much, but truly, i just want to be able to help anyone out with my spanish. we'll see.
andrea adams is back from chile, makes me excited for steve to get back, he's in uraguay right now, sounds amazing.
check out these band name movies, good stuff from somethingawful.
oh yeah, ran into jen delago at the blue lamp last night, the atomiks were in excellent form, apparently she's getting married. congrats, jen.

Posted by bendan at May 17, 2003 04:12 PM

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