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September 04, 2003

less links, more thoughts

so something made me realize the other day that for a while all i've been posting on here are links and quick quips. which is fine, but i also think that in the future, if i ever go back and read all this electronic babble, that i'll hope to see some of my thoughts about what was going on in my life at this time.

burning man was good this year, for several reasons the group dynamic or whatever you call it was off, and i must say that i wasn't as fun as last year. i had some good moments though, starting with me and the ohio boys' covert entry into the event, then watching and cheering for the sunsets, listening to people read excerpts from day of the locust by nathaniel west and the grapes of wrath by steinbeck, taking introductory dancing lessons with shannen at dusk and learning some steps from the waltzh and the tango, and having a debate with the weasily guy in our camp who must have been ayn rand's love child and getting to listen to some old and new friends voice their own opinions on the subject. every time i watch the man burn and i take stock of the year a bit, someone asked me what the meaning of the man burning is, i think it's personal for everyone, but for me it's about rebirth and taking stock of perspectives.

i really enjoyed getting to meet aaron's friends from ohio, he has been out west and been able to meet many of mine, someday i will head out to the midwest and see his part of the world. it will be good to see matt, rick and jim again, they're good people.

got my ticket for mexico, not superexcited yet but it's building, it will be so amazing to be in cancun when the protest goes down, my plan is to film a bunch and not get arrested. after that aaron and i may head down to chiapas, i have a strong desire to get back there, not certain if time will allow.

it's been fun having steven back here, in a way he's grown, but mostly he's the same guy, still gets excited about food like i do, still picking away at his guitar, but now terribly in love with a sweet young thing named carola who's still in chili. he gets props for trying the long distance thing out, it's so difficult in ways that everyone knows but are hard to say.

after i get back from mexico i have plans to go visit drew in portland, hoping shannen can come along, we might go for halloween. it's always excellent having drew in town, it's nice when you get some years into a friendship, and even though you don't live in the same city, when one or the other visits it picks up right where it left off.

aaron and i have been talking about all our plans these days. since i graduated i always seem to have something cooking in terms of travelling. i hope that never goes away.

alright, tomorrow i'll link up some fotos from the rest of burningman. right now i'll link to the trogdor video, after you watch it play the game. TROGDOR!! this reminds me, good luck to owen down in l.a., giant sorry's for flaking out before you took off, hope all is well and you get to fleece hollywood and excape.

Posted by bendan at September 4, 2003 05:24 PM

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