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September 02, 2003

back from burningman, leaving again soon

we got back into reno last night late, i didn't go to sleep till 3. all in all it was a good year, last year was a little better, better camp mood and less wind and sandstorms. drew has some fotos up already, including aaron's wine bottle holder, my favorite art piece from last year, the galleon, steve and friends going big on the carlo rossi, team ohio, and me and shannen standing on the bowliards table we made.
i'll link to the rest of the fotos when drew gets them up.
i leave in 7 days to hitch to vegas to fly to cancun for the wto meeting, will be in mexico with aaron for 2 weeks, then back in reno, with plans to drive up to portland and visit drew and some other bros.
all in all, life is good. watching all the kids wandering around the university neighborhood where shannen lives, i do not envy them. hehe. i'm reading tons too, so i'm still keeping the brain well, and i'm running out of things to say so i'll stop. look at the fotos above!

Posted by bendan at September 2, 2003 03:48 PM

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