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June 08, 2003

the good life

this weekend i went mountain biking, hung out with shannen a ton, went swimming, gave cinnamon rolls to homeless folks and crust punks, had beers with my old buddies from highschool, had dinner with pops, and played slingshot paintball with rockclimbing buddies.
tomorrow i go back to my temp slave job, a chipper 35 minute commute to south reno, through the cookie cutter subdivisions and weird post modern architecture of the warehouses. i get to pack boxes and shit like that for 9 an hour, the best part being talking to the el salvadorians and mexicans who work there.
don't know the name of it, but that song with the line "everybody's working for the weekend," well i feel like that's me. i climb during the week and cool shit as well, but mainly it's work. not used to that feeling. guess i'll have to be eventually. not yet though, not yet.

Posted by bendan at June 8, 2003 10:40 PM

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