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June 08, 2003

good links

first an article about what possible repercussions could await george "not my president" bush, now that all his leave no doubt statements about weapons of mass destruction are turning out to be so much posturing and lies. this article is good cause it includes in chronological order a list of his statements, then goes on to talk about the severity this gross misconduct could reap on bush. personally, i get excited to hear words like "impeachment," but then i think about the political climate in the country, and it seems like it could be hard for us to toss bush out, or bust his ass like it so richly deserves. it's pretty obvious that there are no weapons of mass destruction, it was vendetta decisionmaking and neo colonialism.
and then there's the other side, when you say "isn't it better in iraq now?" and perhaps in some ways it is. but then we look at afghanistan and the mess we've left it, with the taliban regrouping and our gov't already looking on towards iran or korea or canada or wherever. i had a talk with my old professor mark about this a while back, about bush's domino effect of democracy, and more and more it seems like colonial bullshit. i hope bush burns for this, i want to make some reference about biblical burning bushes but can't come up with anything.
ok, the other link is to an old favorite, i'm putting this up cause the second fast and furious rice car movie just came out. it's called riceboypage.

Posted by bendan at June 8, 2003 10:53 PM

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