February 17, 2004

law of averages

so i'm back in tel aviv from egypt, that whole trip was very good. yesterday we dove to 30 meters, inside of a coral feature called the canyon, at 20 meters you dropped in and swam up and out through very narrow walls, i loved it.
i did make the error of having lunch at a bedouin camp. all of us did, and i awoke this morning sick to my stomach. all i had was a salad, so i got off light, evan is still in eilat in southern israel cause he was vomiting too much to catch the bus. that's what you get when you order a tuna sandwich from sand people.
it's funny, cause i was bragging just a few days ago about how after all the countries i've been to, i've never ended up sick from eating local food. guess i was due.
anyways, gonna meet up with ran tomorrow, that will be great, haven't seen him in ages.
more later.

Posted by bendan at February 17, 2004 12:23 PM | TrackBack
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