crossed into egypt today from israel. was in jordan yesterday, over in asia. crazy stuff.
egypt is better then jordan i think, less armed guards and razer wire at the border. i am going diving 4 times here, total cost of 155 dollars. cheap as hell. gonna do the famed blue hole dive, though not gonna go all the way down to 50 meters to go through the arch. too dangerous.
petra was amazing the second day as well. been having good talks with my traveling companions, this is the first time i've traveled with all jews. it's good.
so one night on the tour we got to see this weird jewish banjo player from australia who'd migrated to israel. his music was ridiculous and he had a wispy nerd beard that made us all uncomfortable. after seeing him, jacob from santa barbara couldn't help but belt out impromptu banjo billy ballads about meeting truckers in truckstop bathrooms and punching whores in tijuana. funniest guy on that trip, that jacob.
Posted by bendan at February 14, 2004 10:23 AM | TrackBack