mike has officially been in alaska for one year today, so we're taking him out drinking tonight. i can't imagine spending a winter here, seems pretty boring and cold and boring. we found 2 cars today, a beat up toyota tercel and a beat up acura. our price range is cheap, our expectation is that the machine makes it through the summer, at the end of which we'll either sell it or shoot it up with mike's gun and give it to ed's junk yard. the guy next to me is on some sort of romance chat, it's hard as hell not to read what he's saying to some probbbly random stranger. saw the film chuck and buck last night, good but really damn weird, a film my friends would like but not so much my folks. it's sunny and beautiful and it makes me glad i'm up here, i realized i never want to live where it rains all the time again. even though i probably will. my pool game is getting better each day, since we play every day cause there ain't much to do, and all my opponents in reno better watch out when i get back, except for bob who will still whoop me and show no emotions while doing so. anyways, have fun.
Posted by bendan at June 7, 2002 07:56 PM | TrackBack