since my last post it's rained and rained and then decided to rain some more. things are good though, saw hobo jim last night, he's this alaskan from homer who wears a cowboy hat and plays country songs and folk songs about alaska. he totally ruled, calling half the crowd yuppies and telling them that they have to chug their beers. i ran into him today and he said he's play no depression by the carter family next sunday when he comes. we bought a car yesterday, an '89 acura integra with four doors, some body damage, a good engine and transmission, and no exhaust system whatsoever. this seems a common thing up here, i asked someone about smog tests and they started laughing, so i guess that isn't a big concern. it's in good condition mechanically, actually has a little pep, and once i found my earplugs the roaring sound that eminates from under the passenger seat is no problem. one problem, however, was that last night dave locked the keys in the car , which i christened betsy, in front of the yukon bar. the other set of keys was in mike's backpack, which was full of bear and waiting expectantly for us on the passenger seat. we hitched a ride back out to the property we tent on and went to sleep, miffed that we couldn't cruise home in style through the minefield of water-filled potholes that the dirt road to our compound has become. this morning mike and dave borrowed the boss's truck to drive to anchorage and get new glasses for mike, who broke them two nights ago at the bar somehow, and i was left to find a way into our machine. i called up dutch, the resident car breaker into'er, and he came and got that mofo unlocked in about 30 seconds. this cost me 30 bucks, an amount i will try and pass on to dave, who locked the damn keys in in the first place.
aaron gets here today, i'm gonna go try and find him, not sure where he's gonna be living, maybe out with us, maybe closer in to his work, which is 6 miles away from our tenting site. last night we went to the 3 bears grocery/liquor depot, where they had expired cases of full sail beers for $12.50. that means 50 cents a beer for really good beer, we bought only 4 cases, 96 beers, but i was instructed to go back for more if i got the car operational, which i'll probably go do now. anyways, keep in touch, i'm off to enjoy my send day off in almost 3 weeks of work.