July 10, 2003

The Snow Covered Andes

Caro´s got the best view out the window of the computer room in her house, where I am now, looking out the window, at the snow covered Andes. A couple nights ago I was in the internet cafe next to the movie theater where I was about to see Punch Drunk Love and I had a whole big ass update finished and the computer must´ve liked what I wrote because it ate it all up and didn´t let me post it. I hate computers sometimes. Anyway, Punch Drunk Love was impressive, recommended to anyone who´s bored and looking for something to rent tonight.
The house is quiet lately seeing as John, Kat, and Reinhardt are all traveling about the lower half of this wonderful continent but they´ll be back soon and then on the 18th I´m throwing a big ass party because, holy shit, I turn 21 on the 16th. 21? Hey Dan, doesn´t that make you feel old?
A few nights ago Caro and I walked over to a mexican restaurant we´d passed a couple times and I put five big fajitas in my belly and thought about how excited I am to go to Albuquerque and visit my grandma and see if I can still handle the red chili from Garduños. I´ve got a sneaking suspicion that I can. It´s too bad I´m such a cheapskate and don´t eat out more often. There´s a few decent looking Chinese places, a place for late night french fries, and even a Venezuelan restaurant within 10 minutes by foot from my house. I´m gonna check out the Venezuelan place here soon, it seems pretty cheap and I even saw some vegetarian plate on the menu. Count me in.
What else? My housecat Puma is doing well, he tries to wake me up every morning at about 7 by slapping me in the face with his claws out but this morning I caught the little bastard in the act and tossed his punk ass out into the cold ass hallway, which is what he wanted anyway. Sometimes I wish it was easier to communicate with cats. Last night he was acting like he obviously wanted something and I was about to go grab him some more Friskies when he started urinating all over my pile of dirty clothes in the corner of my room. I remember one time last year when I got home from work at the old fokes home and James´ dog Joey was running around in circles in the living room but I had to use the bathroom really badly so I went first. When I emerged from the bathroom there was a big pile of dog shit on the living room floor and Joey was looking up at me and I´m sure he was thinking, "I know this is wrong, but hell, where else was I supposed to go?" At least the floor was wood. Of course, Joey knew he wasn´t supposed to hide the duke on the living room floor, first of all because it wasn´t a very good hiding place, and second of all because he´s a smart dog and knows not to do those things. Since I couldn´t really punish him I just kinda started laughing, which is the same thing I did last night when Puma was pissing all over my jogging shorts. They were dirty anyway.
I really turn 21 in 6 days. How fucking weird is that? Oh well.

Posted by steve at July 10, 2003 03:30 PM