February 01, 2003

Yep yep, lazy Saturday afternoon at 3:00 pm. Spent most of the day running errands and picking up some more stuff for the new place. I went to a rad show last night, a couple local rock bands. The first one was good, it felt good to listen to some loud rock and roll for the first time in a while. Not gonna make it Valparaiso today as originally planned, too much homework that I`m gonna go start here in a minute. Sunday`s also a good homework day here, when I want to go do something else instead most everything is closed so I`ll end up doing it anyway. Hopefully gonna buzz through a quick week of school here and then rolling to Argentina as soon as class ends on Friday. Nelson Mandela had a great quote in the news the other day about Bush dragging the world into another Holocaust and whether or not the war on Iraq is at all racially motivated, I still think he`s all about the oil but it`s a good point to think about.

Posted by steve at February 1, 2003 12:12 PM