Oh yea, when I first got in to La Paz I was wondering why the fuck poor dead Che Guevara is everywhere here until I remembered that he got capped by the CIA up in the mountains back in `68. Just another country capitalizing off his popularity while the corrupt government is still in place. Poor, dead Che Guevara, it makes me think about Dan and me`s joke in Cuba where we`d take the 3 peso coin with his face on it and turn it over with our fingers and say "What`s that?" Che Guevara rolling around in his shallow grave. I bet I could find one of his hands in the witch`s market if I looked hard enough. Poor, dead Che Guevara. Hasta La Victoria Siempre, Dr. Zeus. Oops, no one`s gonna catch that last one.
Posted by steve at February 25, 2003 07:02 PM