January 18, 2003

Went on a bus tour this morning with the whole USAC crew down here, Iīd already seen most of the places since I got here early so I hung back and listened to my cd player. Very social. Last night was ridiculously fun. It was Dawn and Tinaīs last night down here and the house was full with gringos. we cooked a bunch of food and dyed it red with beet juice and I snuck four bottles of wine into this shitty house and we rocked like animals. I didnīt make it to that concert with the band who sounds like Mogwai but thatīs okay, kicking it here was more fun. The plot thickens with the apartment search since Andreaīs decided sheīs probably just gonna stay here this semester. She likes it, so thatīs rad. I on the other hand refuses to be subjected to the rule of that fascist cleaning lady and was told today that I can find a message board with roommate related advertisements at school. Itīll be good, Iīm sure Iīll find a room in the apartment of some chilean students and Iīll emerge next may speaking very well and understanding this wacky chilean slang.
Yesterday I bought the most beautiful guitar in the world, itīs a steel string acoustic electric made in Argentina with dope sound and a perfect sized neck for, you guessed it, my fat little fingers. Iīve been sitting out front dicking around with it, Iīve forgotten a lot but I brought my books so Iīll reteach myself. I think that Drew should start playing the keyboards and when I get good on my guitar he and I will write a bunch of songs about strippers. Weīll have the best live shows ever, all dressed up in gold and wearing sunglasses. Right now itīs naptime before heading out on this hot and heavy Saturday night in Santiago de Chile.
I was thinking someday in the future all the best writers will have books of their written correspondence between friends published, but instead of it being "Selected Letters..." itīll be "Selected Emails..."

Posted by steve at January 18, 2003 02:43 PM