January 16, 2003

Here´s a quick post to write down a couple more of the music projects I´ve thought of while eating bean dip the past couple days.
1. A "cover" of David Bowie´s "The Man Who Sold The Girls"
2. The new Guns N Roses hit "Welcome To The Dumpster"
If we do the Bowie tune right it could be as cool as Wyclef´s song about Maxine the Stripper. Drew, get to work.
This house where people live for a semester kinda sucks, I´ve only been here a few days and I´m damn glad I´m gonna get an apartment. The cleaning lady´s a fascist, she throws your dishes away if you leave them out to dry and don´t put them away right after you´re done eating. One of the MIT students here lost a bowl and some silverware a little earlier. People like that make me want to take a dump in the top part of their toilet.
It´s Reno on the bottom of the world right now. The Adams sisters, Heather, Tina, and Brooke are all here. Dawn, Andrea, Heather, and Tina got back from the south last night and we went out for food and drinks and I dazzled them all with my advanced knowledge of the spanish language or something like that. They all just left for some artisans market to go shopping, they asked me to go but I didn´t fall for it, I´m no dummy. Besides, I´m off to pick up my guitar and see if I can´t get tickets for the Mana show next month.
School starts on Monday. Uh. USUCK stretched the days out here to five days a week for most of us, including me. I want to hide the duke in the house of the person who decided to put the cinema class on Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:30 in the morning. Regardless, this should be a good semester. Most of the students showed up yesterday and I met them, they seem like a good lot. Vince and Corrine the other Costa Rica rejects made it, too. Now Vince and I get to begin the hunt for Doble Cero´s replacement, wish us luck.
I´ve been in Chile a little over a week now and the thing that has surprised me more than anything else are the few people I´ve spoken to who are still more or less loyal to Pinochet. One of the Chileans in this house told me his family told him that Allende the good natured but unsuccessful Socialist was planning on lining up a few hundred of the fascists and shooting them. I like to give everyone their say, but man that sounds like total bullshit. Though they´re both good, the right seem to be far better at spinning propaganda than the left and that seems like the kind of information that would surface when Pinochet´s heinous war crimes become known on a wide scale, kind of like legitimizing the hundreds of people kidnapped and buried in mass graves during his reign. I get the feeling none of these dictators ever lost a loved one at a young age. One of the students I met yesterday told me she´s living with friends down here, a huge family of fascists with 11 kids, everyone very loyal to Pinochet. If I was more proactive I´d kidnap one of them. She´s been there about 6 days and she´s already saying she wants to move out. I can imagine the meeting with the USAC office: "I need to find another place to live. I don´t get along with my family based on political reasons." Hell, I´m in the same boat. I´d better get off the computer here, the fascist cleaning lady´s giving me dirty looks and she´s got a key to my room. But I´ll let her know that if she throws out my stuff I´ll take a dump in the top part of her toilet AND hide the duke in the microwave.

Posted by steve at January 16, 2003 08:55 AM