January 11, 2003

It's all late n shit, like 3:48 in the morning, just got home from the bar with two brits and an aussie. We found the hip college hangout bar street called Suecia, that means swedish in spanish which is funny because I never thought the swedes were that hip, but whatever it's still better than el pueblo in San Jose. I very fortunately bumped into Andrea's friend Reinaldo today and he's helping me to get a room to sleep in until Andrea and I find ourselves an apartment. Tonight we stumbled across a couple of very nice cab drivers during the course of this evening and I'm proud to say that my spanish is kicking ass. I thought I would be totally in the dark listening to the Chileans speak but I'm not so bad. The cab driver on the way to the bars warned me to stay away from this one area where the homosexuals like to stab gringos, I gave him my best serious nod and all was well, I didn't get stabbed by anyone. Before I forget anyone who reads this needs to get the record by the Loose Fur that comes out sometime later this month, it's an indie rock super group consisting of Jeff Tweedy and one of the other guys from Wilco along with Jim O'Rourke mr. Sonic Youth and I recorded Yankee Hotel Foxtrot motherfuckers so take that. It should be off the hook. The new Will Oldham record comes out soon too, everyone should get that as well. I'm proud that I've managed to stay a complete music dork away from Amoeba records in San Francisco, thank you pitchforkmedia.com. In my conversations tonight I learned interesting things about why Britain was really the home of the industrial revolution, like the opium trade to China and all those colonies they adopted from the French and the Dutch after Napolean tried to conquer the world, it's a history lesson like no other. I heard another Challenger space shuttle joke but I forgot it, I'll make sure to hear it again tomorrow and post it for all those anti pc heads out there reading this piece. word.

Posted by steve at January 11, 2003 01:09 AM