January 08, 2003

Yep, ´bout 6:30 down here in Santiago. It´s still very light out too. I never understood why, but Costa Rica got dark even in summer at around 6:30, never later. Anyway, I walked around most of the day after I woke up, found the USAC office here which was conveniently close to the hostel where I´m staying. I´m signed up for a latin america cinema class along with all my grammar classes, that one should be fun. Santiago seems really cool. I was all prepared for it to be a seething mess of air pollution next to all the neat buildings, but it´s actually pretty clean. I rode the metro, too, first time in my life I think I´ve ever been on a subway. Tomorrow I´m going guitar hunting, already got a good lead on a shop about 5 blocks down from where I´m staying. Oh yea, I ate falafel today for the first time since I left the states, or rather, since the last time I was in the bay area. it was pretty good, but they need more hot sauce.

Posted by steve at January 8, 2003 03:41 PM