January 27, 2003

´Bout to head out and arrive fashionably late at the birthday party of one of the girls in the program, the bar where it´s at is supposed to suck so I doubt I´ll stay very long. The Brook just cooked a fantastic vegan pasta with fake meat, I was surprised at my newfound ability to hold back and not stuff myself sick like I seem to do every other time I´m eating lots of good vegan food.
The plot thickens with going back to Valparaiso this weekend as recent developments point to a Guns N Roses cover band playing there on Friday night. I left all my buttrock clothes back in Reno, but I might have to get some more since the Iron Maiden cover band is playing the next night. Apparently ACDC was last week, but you can´t catch ´em all.
Welcome to the Dumpster, we´ve got fun and games

Posted by steve at January 27, 2003 07:44 PM