January 09, 2003

music hunting as appetite suppresent

Drew filled me in about why it's so light here, something about being close to the equator, anyway it's 5:30 up in this piece and light as hell out, kinda nice. I cruised around again most of today, waiting for Andrea to get back into town so we can find a place to live. I think she's down in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego way at the bottom of the world where people wear hats on their feet and hamburgers eat people. I followed up that guitar lead today, it lead me to this pretty cool music shop full of not too expensive spanish guitars. I'll prolly pick one up here in a couple weeks and get my play on. The fingers still work pretty good. Before I found the music shop I stumbled upon one of the most amazing record collections I've ever seen in the back room of this vinyl shop. This guy had an entire wall of old lp's, tons of stuff by the Beatles, Stones, Class, all sorts of bands. he had an original pressing of both Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison and Harvest by Neil Young, plus some other old ass Johnny Cash lp that I've never seen before. There were two problems with his collection. the first was that he didn't have anything by Tom Waits, and the second was that he won't sell any of them unless he has two copies of it. There weren't too many of those, and nothing I wanted. Regardless, it was incredible, i think I only gasped as I sat in his back room for an hour and a half going through all of them. If I can wrangle one of out him, I'll start taking down orders for people and see if I can't get those, too. As expected, Santiago's all cosmopolitan and shit with all sorts of overpriced restaurants next to college campuses and lots of music stores. None of the ones I found today have Interpol, but I'm sure I'll find it eventually. The empanadas down here are different, too. A Costa Rican empanada, or at least the kind I ate, consisted of a dough made out of corn flour, water, and salt wrapped around some beans and deep fried to a piping hot, heart clogging golden color. Here they're baked, and pretty good at that. I'm going out tonight for the first time, and I hope they taste as good with beers as fried food did with Imperials.

Posted by steve at January 9, 2003 02:54 PM