classes start tomorrow morning, how much does that suck? it feels like six months since I´ve been in class since I´ve done so much stuff since the end of last semester. It´s okay I guess, all my classes are in spanish and by the end of the semester I´ll be fluent as a motherfucker.
Me, homegirl Andrea, Vince and Corrine the other CR rejects, Theresa and Brooke the other Reno heads, Brandy the Ohio cow tipper, Maren the ´Weedge, Reinaldo the fruity Venezuelan and Juan Pablo the local had a picnic this afternoon at a park around the corner. I´m a big fan of the parks here because they are more conducive to sleeping and relaxing than the ones in Costa Rica where all the ticos would just go to make out and do some heavy petting. Brooke is an amazing cook, I´ve been eating better the past few days from her food than in a long while. I have to remember to get her vegan potato salad recipe, maybe I can trade my fantastic pancake recipe for it.
The apartment hunt begins tomorrow, I hope I can be all settled in with some cool Chilean roomies within a couple weeks. Hopefully they´ll be punk rockers. I´m so stoked on the music scene here, there´s tons of local bands and shows in cool bars way better than the shit overpriced ones on Suecia street. The one I went to a few nights ago played an Interpol song on the stereo before the bands played, how fucking cool is that?
My guitar rules, I can see it taking up much of my homework time this semester as my homework time eats into my sleep time, it´s just like last semester except it´s guitar instead of soccer. Next weekend we´re taking a group day trip to Valparaiso, this cool old city near the ocean, and a few of us are talking about staying the whole weekend. Andrea tells me there´s an amazing vegetarian restaurant there, I´ll tell you all how it is in a week. For the picnic we cooked up white eggplant, the first time I´ve ever seen and eaten it. good stuff. They´re got the big green bananas that I ate fried damn near every day last semester here as well, I´m gonna test my frying skills tomorrow. as for now, eventually I´m gonna stop listening to Turn On The Bright Lights and go to sleep.