It turns out that soccer game is tonight. We´re gonna get the pants beat off us by Alajuela, the team from the next town over who´s probably gonna win the league championship this year. It´ll be a sight to see the big group of gringos shouting and cheering in the near empty stadium.
I´ve been reading up on Cuban history and just finished a presentation on Jose Marti the patron saint of Cuban independence for my Spanish American Literature class. He seemed a pretty good guy, it´s always nice to read about people enlightened about racism who were born 150 years ago.
The huge house party Mike and I were planning for the night before the flights home fell through, go figure. It´s still odd to see how little of a police presence there is here. I bet it would be quite a feat to get the cops called on a house party. My friends have seen them drinking in the central park. I know I´ll be in for a shock when I land in Cuba with police everywhere because the government has to provide jobs for everyone. But the lonely planet tells me that they´re nice to tourists.
8 days