December 08, 2002

super samarai

I just got back into town a few hours ago from a happenin´ weekend. Last Wednesday we gringos got in a big pack and went to root on the home team like the bunch of soccer hooligans we were. We ended up tying the future league champions. I was well proud of our boys and screaming like a howler monkey when our goalie blocked that penalty kick.
I was all packed up for Nicaragua, but the pull of the beach was just too strong and at the last minute I changed my itinerary for Playa Samara, this amazingly beautiful beach in Guanacaste province. My friend Zach joined in and we hopped on the bus at noon last Thursday. The 300 kilometer trip took damn near 7 hours on account of us having to take the tempisque ferry at the top of the peninsula, but we got there. The beach was big and the sun was hot and we stayed at a different place each night. I finally discovered the cabinas we should have been staying in since we arrived on Friday afternoon, went and talked to the owner about a room for the following night and we were set. They were these rad two story huts sitting right on the beach, a tiny bedroom on top with a porch out front, and a hammock down below. We sat out on the porch last night watching the sunset, went out for a bit and later I crashed out on the hammock down below. The downstairs part where I was sleeping had no front wall and faced the beach, I woke up early and just sat there watching the sky change colors as the sun came up. This beach ruled, I´m glad I made it before I bail to Chile.
Speaking of Chile, little Vince from Yakima, WA is moving along with me down to Santiago, we´re both stoked. He told me today he´s already got a place to stay with a Chilean, and tomorrow we´re going to book our flights down. Cuba´s sneaking up, tomorrow I have to reconfirm my flight for Thursday. This semester went pretty smoothly, it´s tough to think that we´ll all be done with finals by Wednesday and then I say goodbye to a bunch of rad people that I´ll do my best to keep in touch with, but you know how those things go.

Posted by steve at December 8, 2002 06:25 PM