December 26, 2002

364 days

Twas the day after christmas, and sprawled on the bed, I woke up hungover, a dull thud in my head, then the sun hit my face, and it blinded my sight, while I tried to remember, what I did last night. I got up and stumbled, to the bathroom to pee, and my belly it roared, for a plate of rice and beans. I washed hands and face, and scrounged some money, and walked off to breakfast, with my friends from Boise. Now my belly is full, and my head hurts no more, and this christmas was better, than any one before.
Okay, that´s all I can do. Last night was fun, 5 of us packed into a car trying to find a bar open on christmas. what´s even cooler than that is that we did find a bar open on christmas; in fact, we found many. Earlier yesterday I continued my yearly christmas tradition (this year makes two) of listening to 364 Days by the Murder City Devils, maybe the best christmas song ever, on christmas. My friends and I watched Collateral Damage with Arnold Swarzenegger, oh sweet baby jesus it was funnier than diarrhea, my favorite character was the Colombian guerilla soldier with the Che Guevara hat. Two nights ago I went to this neat hostel in San Jose and cooked a ripping good dinner with a bunch of other backpackers, met a really nice wanker (Englander) named Mike and we talked politics a lot and he got really sad when I told him Joe Strummer died, anyway he told me of a very spooky bill currently being composed and bounced around Congress that basically will allow multinational corporations to challenge countries on their own laws, this is really effing scary. Democracy is dying. That Walmart that moved into northwest Reno a while back is a perfect example. Nobody in the community wanted it, legal battles tried to fight it off, but regardless of what the public wanted it got built. what bullshit. Imagine this bill in effect. A country can be hugely in favor of one of its laws, like Norway with its environmental laws, and a company can challenge that law in court and if it wins the law gets changed. What good is voting, anyway? Andrew, being the most knowledgeable of anyone I know regarding these types of international affairs, we should see if we can´t dig something up about this.
So, onto a subject not relating to the horrors of global capitalism, I´m going to the beach tomorrow, a nice little one up in Guanacaste called Playa Nosara and then I board a bus for Nicaragua on the 31st till the 6th. Not gonna make it to Corcovado this time around, but that´s okay, I know I will someday. Chile´s sneaking up and I´m more excited each day. I got a cheap bottle of Chilean wine yesterday just to sample the goods and it got the thumbs up from all 4 of us as we watched that retarded movie. Tonight, after I get done picking up bus tickets in San Jose, I´m going to fullfill my brother´s lifelong dream of getting me to see Star Wars, Tim from Boise´s also a virgin to the Force so Luke Skywalker´s gonna use his light saber to pop our Star Wars cherries tonight, probably around 8 or so if anyone´s interested in joining in on the festivities. At 20, I think I´m only now beginning to realize how much of a weirdo I am.

Posted by steve at December 26, 2002 02:49 PM