Well, thanks to Drew Iīve stumbled into my own webpage. Weīll have to throw a link up at the katherinehouse.com page to make it easier to check up on me. For those I havenīt heard from in a while, Iīm down in Costa Rica, town of Heredia, sitting in the internet cafe across the street from my school. Itīs a lazy and cool Friday afternoon in the tropics. Iīve been a bit sick since Sunday, hoping to get better before tomorrow since thereīs a skate demo with four pros from Emerica shoes in one of the suburbs of San Jose the Costa Rican capital and I want to go. Things down here are very well. Iīm living with a rad lady who cooks vegan for me and her punk rock 18 year old son who was blasting Bad Religion and Face to Face this morning. Iīve met tons of rad people around town, havenīt travelled too much so far but Iīm planning a trip up to Nicaragua next weekend with my friend Mike who happened to go to school with Little Bob for a few years up in Boise. Itīs a small world. Thereīs only 3 weeks left in this semester, damn how the time flies, then the day after finals I get to watch all my fall semester friends fly home while I fly to Cuba to meet up with Dan and travel around for ten days. New years will be spent at some beach, thereīs supposed to be amazing beach parties at some of these beaches on new years eve. Not too much else for the long term, Iīm working on a trip to either Venezuela or Colombia at the end of January and then hopefully off to Brazil for Carnaval at the beginning of March. Hey, things are good. Letīs post this bitch.
Posted by steve at November 22, 2002 12:45 PM