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May 20, 2008
West coast visit
Hey there. I just returned from nearly 3 weeks on the west coast. some would say it was silly to leave nyc during may, the nicest month weather-wise, but I had a very good time visiting Albuquerque, Utah, SF and Nevada. On my trip I did many things, including slot canyon exploring, camping out in the desert, hitchhiking across half of Utah, bike riding in Reno and SF, Sailing on the San Francisco Bay, visiting many friends in SF, attending my stepsister's college graduation, and hanging out with friends and family in Reno.
Below are some photos of exploring slot canyons that I took when my friend Peter and I were in Escalante National Park and Capitol Reef National Park. I'll post more photos from the rest of the trip later.
Posted by bendan at May 20, 2008 02:14 PM
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