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March 21, 2008
Snow camping
Last weekend I went snowcamping for the first time. I went up to Vermont with my friend Peter, his novia Gabriela, his brother Dave, and their friend Sam. We went to the Mad River Valley near Mt. Abrams. It was a 45 minute hike in accompanied by moonlight, and it reminded me of when we used to snowboard the chutes of Mt. Rose on full moon midnights.
The next day we went on a 5 mile hike to the summit of Mt. Abrams. Near the top, all the trees were encased in blocks of ice. Then we came down and had a campfire in the snow.
Snow camping was really fun, but more serious then regular camping. I brought just barely enough clothes, and the shoes I borrowed weren't sturdy enough to be soaked all day. Also, the first night my feet were cold as hell, but the second night I wrapped my poofy jacket around the bottom of my sleeping bag, and slept just fine.
Here are some photos.
the hole the campfire melted in the snow
Posted by bendan at March 21, 2008 10:55 AM
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