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July 22, 2007

healing and a big move

here's a look at the titanium plate and the hardware that Dr. Preston took out of my shoulder.


So it's been 12 days since my surgery. my shoulder feels good, perhaps a bit tight where the Dr. trimmed away a bit of the scar tissue from the last surgery, but it's healing really quick and i'm very excited to be able to go backpacking without the weight of the pack pinching the skin of my shoulder against the titanium plate.
Also, my knee has lost most of the swollen appearance it had after the surgery, and i'm up to 90 percent range of motion. the time i spent favoring my right leg led to some significant muscle atrophy on my right quad. it's readily apparant, and physically i can feel that it's weaker when i walk up stairs. still, i've been stretching, walking a bunch, and according to my surgeon's orders, i've been riding my bike around SF a bit, for rehab as he put it. which is fine with me, better then fine actually, for the time i spend not being able to ride my bike is always a bit frustrating.

as for the big move portion of the title of this post, well, after more then a year of pondering it, i've decided to move to New York City. my plane flys out on the 8th of August from SFO, and there's no return ticket. actually, there will be return tickets, since i plan to return to SF at the end of Sept. for the premier of my film that's showing in the Bicycle Film Festival, but otherwise, i'm gonna try the East coast life.
I'm currently liquidating my possessions here in SF, with the goal of having everything i plan to take with me down to a huge duffle bag, a bike box, and a few backpacks.
i could type a lot about being excited for New York and sad about leaving SF after 3 and a half years, but those words have been floating around in my head enough these past days that i don't feel the need to subject you to them.

i might even have a going away party here in SF. That's one thing i've never done.

hope all are well.

Posted by bendan at July 22, 2007 05:54 PM

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