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June 20, 2007
5th day - Sunnyside, WA
So my trip started out very good. Drew and Etta left me in Seaside, OR. From there i headed up the 101 to the HW 30, heading East towards Washington. I crossed the Longview bridge, and followed the I-5 on frontage roads towards the 12 East. I've been on the 12 East every since, having followed it through the Cascade Mountains and over 4500 feet Whites Pass.
Yesterday my right knee began acting up, and i pulled up short here in Sunnyside, WA with a strained tendon. it's pretty here and there are lots of taquerias for all the migrant farm workers. i was going really well, just pushed it too hard. I"m gonna have a rest day, and i find myself pretty content, sitting i the shade at the RV park i'm camping at, drinking beer and talking to Martin. Martin is from Mexico, and has many stories of all the places he's worked and all the different jobs he's done. It's so interesting to get a glimpse at the migrant workers, makes me wish i had an audio recorder.
here's some photos
cross your fingers my knee feels better tomorrow.
Posted by bendan at June 20, 2007 11:55 AM
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