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April 01, 2006

my trip draws to a close

i've been back in bogota for nearly a week now. after we left the coast, ina from germany, Lee and I went to San Gil in Bucaramanga. there we went river rafting, which was fun even though the river was really high and the rapids were tame. i still ensured that we all got dumped several times, good fun.


we also went to this nature reserve called the gallineral, which had the most amazing trees, their roots really looked like chicken feet, and they had this moss hanging from all the branches.


since i've been back in bogota, i've been hanging out with friends, walking around a lot, spending a lot of time in the anthropology library, eating in all the vegetarian restaurants. it's so nice, a full meal for less then 3 bucks.
i fly home in a week from today. i'm kinda looking forward to it, when i get back my good friend billy spaceman will have moved to SF, i'm planning trips to reno, to the east coast, to N.M,, to oregon, and maybe to L.A. i still have a little money saved up, and i don't want to start working until june if i can swing it.
the thing that aches is that i haven't touched a bike since i left. there's a velodrome here, i'm gonna try and visit it today, maybe turn some laps, or take photos at least.
see you soon.

Posted by bendan at April 1, 2006 06:37 AM

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