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March 04, 2006

Hot Santa Marta, Colombia

so i´m in some crappy internet cafe in Santa Marta, trying to figure out why no one in this town will let me connect my laptop. i´ve been to tons of internet cafe´s, and explained that i will pay the same amount of money, but to no avail. therefore, the 2 entries i already have written with pictures ready to add are sitting on my laptop, wishing they could be set free into the wild wilderness of the internet. and i´m here, reading news, remembering how much IE completely sucks.
sorry this is boring. i´m doing well still, on the coast, getting suntanned, interviewing old graverobbers.
and if i have enough money on this trip, i might learn how to fly. for reals.

Posted by bendan at March 4, 2006 10:11 AM

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