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August 02, 2005

SF my home


after 7 months of never being anywhere for longer then 12 days, it's both nice and slightly unnerving to be home in San Francisco. I'm settling back into my house, preparing to take the spanish/english bilingual fluency exam a week from friday, reconnecting with my friends, and looking for work. last friday, the day i arrived back in the city, i called my old dispatcher and asked if he had any openings, and he said he'd probably fire someone this week. it's tuesday, i'm gonna give him till friday and then i'll call again. part of me really misses messengering, but i know it will get boring again and the hours for my judicial interpreting classes won't jive with the 8:30 to 5:30 messengering schedule. still, i'd like to do it for a month or so, to get back into city riding shape, and to bolster my rapidly shrinking bank account.

here are some interesting things happening in the Bay Area in the coming weeks.

my friends aaron and bj are having a wooting, aka a modern hippie wedding. my role is the drunken photographer.

today, since it's first tuesday, i'm going to the SF MOMA for free.

i found this excellent wikipedia definition of Frank Chu, who's probably the craziest guy in town.

I paid for the pro account on Flickr, so now i can upload something ridiculous like 2 gigs a month of photos. i managed to misplace my transfer cable, so as soon as i borrow one i'll upload a bunch of images from the City.

I've been reading the SFist, and it makes me so excited to be back here. i'm heading out the door now to take my friend vanessa some medicine since she's sick, and then i'm going to the library to study, but it's hard to tear myself away from looking up bands and art to go see in the near future. it's great to be back, and i'm excited that so many friends are planning to come through and visit soon as well. we have plenty of floor space and couch space, so if anyone is coming through, let me know.

last thing, happy birthday to stepsister sarita, and continued well wishes to grandma dorothy on her recovery from surgery.

Posted by bendan at August 2, 2005 12:55 PM

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