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July 15, 2005
San Francisco, CA (with amazing news this time)
So i'm all set to catch up our travels, from olympia we returned to Portland, had 2 excellent days of riding, and now we're in SF. but then i think about the news i get last Saturday, when Mikey and i were driving back out to ride the Lewis Creek trail again. Mikey checked the messages on his celly, and there was this garbled message from some bike store. it took me a minute or two to recognize the area code, but it turned out to be a bike store in philly right near kelsey's house. they were calling to tell me that they had recovered my favorite mountain bike, the one that was stolen at the beginning of our trip, a month and a half ago.
now, i've had bikes stolen before, and i've had tons of friends who've had bikes stolen, so i know it's a rare thing to ever get them back. i was so thrilled, and with the kind help of kelsy quickly made plans to have it shipped back to me. so i'm meeting up with my bike in reno on wednesday.
i'll write more about sf tomorrow, it's good to be back, the fog is thick as cotton out the window on my street and it feels so refreshing to ride through. we saw jolie holland tonight at this warehouse full of my friends, and tomorrow we're gonna go ride mt tam. i'm feeling very pleased to get to show mikey my city, it always makes me appreciate it more when i get to think of how it must appear to a newcomer's eyes.
Posted by bendan at July 15, 2005 01:24 AM
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