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July 04, 2005

Cumberland, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, Eh!

Ah, Canada. We arrived on Friday, which coincided with Canada Day. Everywhere we looked, there were Canadian flags, Canada pins, Canada temporary tattoos, it was ridiculous.


We took the ferry over, it was beautiful, and very cold. i have this tendency to be in cold places during the summer and warm places during the winter, i'm very contrary.

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unfortunately, pretty much all of the trails we have been riding since we arrived up here have been downhill trails, which is great if you have a full suspension bike, but not as fun if you have hardtails. What more, the roots situation is ridiculous. there have been some steep decents completely covered with tangly, jutting roots that are too big to ignore, and set at odd angles to the trail, necessitating many stops and carry-overs. Both of us have been longing for the smooth, cross country style single track that we have been riding up to this point, and it looks like since all of Canada caters to the downhill riders, we may nix staying up here much longer and instead shoot back down to do some riding in Eastern Washington.

All the same, it's been very fun and silly being up here. Mikey has quickly developed an incredibly accurate Canadian accent, and all the jokes about igloos, polar bears, reindeer, snowshoeing, Canadian bacon and hockey have kept us laughing to ourselves nonstop. Plus, the Canadian Public Radio stations are unintentionally hilarious, playing amazingly quaint and hokey stories about small town news at all hours of the day. it's very endearing, but at the same time we are sarcastic boys and get many good chuckles out of it. I'm still waiting for someone to call us hosers.


some very nice folks who we met in a bar have been letting us crash on their couches, it's been nice making new friends and having drinks with them in one of the 2 bars in the town of Cumberland.


They even took us to a hip hop show on Saturday night, but Mikey and I were kicked out after a priggish bouncer caught us sneaking our own beers in. We went around the corner and found a Canadian Punk band, and hung out with them skateboarding until the hip hop show was over and our ride took us home. good fun.

Posted by bendan at July 4, 2005 01:13 PM

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