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April 14, 2005

Paramaribo, Suriname (2nd Entry)

so my pops and i just got back from the Central Suriname Nature Reserve. the whole trip out there was the highlight excursion of our trip, the flight in a tiny cessna, the miles and miles of jungle spread out before us, the 6 hour roundtrip hike out to Voltzberg during which we saw 4 different species of monkeys, the lodge in which my father and i cooked and hung out by ourselves, the only 2 tourists in a national park the size of new jersey, and the last night, when we got to attend a birthday party that featured rad food, rowdy local kids making fun of me in countless ways, and the local band that played drums in what sounded like rad traditional african rhythms along with singing in the local tongue, sarantango. totally excellent.
so the bad part is, i have 50 hours of bussing to get back to caracas, and my ipod just died. shit luck, that. more reading i guess. excited to get back to the states, visit the relatives in nyc and n.m., then visit reno, and s.f, then ride across the whole damn country.

Posted by bendan at April 14, 2005 02:55 PM

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