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April 26, 2005

Exploring New York

so i've been here almost a week in New York. it's been really fun, i've been hanging out with my cousin Mikey a ton, riding bikes all over, seeing live music, and eating vegan food. I've also had the opportunity to hang out with Nick Johnnides, a supercool guy i met when he lived up in Portland. Nick and I went and walked on the high line one afternoon, it's 2 elevated abandoned freight tracks that run down the west side of manhatten. they are overgrown with weeds and there is tons of graffiti and metal sculpture. i had read about this place a long time ago, and it was excellent to go check it out.
sunday i went up to westchester to have dinner at my aunt's house. the last time i had been there i was 19, but the small town they live in seemed like it hadn't changed at all. we had a nice meal and sat around chatting all about our family, which was fun for me cause i've grown up so far away from everyone.
today i went riding all over manhatten on mikey's roommate's bike. it feels so good to ride again, my legs aren't nearly as strong as they were, but it looks like i will have the opportunity to get them worked back into shape before too long. mikey was accepted into cornell vet school in upstate NY, and during this summer it sounds like he's gonna drive out to visit reno and sf and then we're gonna go do some mountain biking in moab and western colorado. it turns out that daveo and i both are tight for cash and would be extremely pressed for time if we were to try and ride all across the country. now i'll have more time to go up and visit portland, and to look for a job in sf once i move there in august. i am applying for the court interpreter's program at ucsf, first i have to pass a fluency test, but after that i have high hopes that i will be accepted. i have been studying some books that were recommended to brush up on for the fluency test, and i think that having just spent 3 and a half months in s. america will help as well.
i'm planning to head to philly to hang out with my friend kelsey forbes this weekend, she said that there will be cool stuff to do there, vegan potlucks and bands playing and biking riding, which are the things i dig the most these days.

i was quoted in the reno news and review in an article about some moron republican asshole that nevada elected to represent them in their jingoist rantings.
all is well.

Posted by bendan at April 26, 2005 02:23 PM

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