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December 15, 2004

this is everything up to now ending

so i quit my job yesterday, which has left me feeling jumpy today for lack of the accustomed exercise. i cleaned out my room today, going through all that i've accumulated in my more then 8 months in this house. it's a very weird feeling, when i bought my plane ticket it didn't seem real that i was going to leave this city. now the new roommate is bringing stuff into my room and i have to put my computer into boxes and get ready to go. strange days.
nessa got doored by a car two days ago, we went to the emergency room and they said her hand and knee were just sprained, but then yesterday her neck started hurting. i hope she feels better.
my going away party is friday. then i leave the city saturday. only now is it starting to seem real.

Posted by bendan at December 15, 2004 08:29 PM

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