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September 09, 2004

wait a minute

so i got an email from the RNC legal team asking everyone not to write about their experiences at pier 57 yet. now i'm sure my weblog is not going to put in danger any legal actions, but i'll hold off for a little bit.
here's an update about what's been going on since i got back to s.f.

daveo moved here 2 days ago. he's gonna hang out till we head out to south america in december. it's gonna be an excellent 3 months, this is the warm sunny season in s.f., we went swimming at ocean beach yesteray with simon, it was cold and perfect.

my name is on this list of arrestees, under august 31st.

Drew forwarded me a link about the pleasure boat captains for truth. I always thought george w. was a light weight.

this lord of the rings re-edit is inspiring. Exotic Eastern Imagery!

i'm not sure what i think about these election projections. seems like anything earlier then a month before the election is too early to speculate on.

more soon.

Posted by bendan at September 9, 2004 09:56 AM

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