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July 04, 2003

this will be a long drive with no one to talk to

tomorrow morn i depart el reno, hoping for 6 am but we'll see, either i'll make it to tucson late or i'll arrive sun. morning. made some new friends down there who will let me stay with them, very happy about that. my car is doing well, forgot how much they suck down the dollars, surprising, not like a bike. think i'm taking both my bikes, plus climbing and camping gear. still, won't be gone that long, i expect around 2 and a half weeks.
want to say thanks much to owen for helping me figure out the headlite situation on my car, as well as some other things, thanks much good buddy.
so those of you who read this, i'll be recounting my adventures, hoping to go visit my grandma in n.m., then come back through colorado and utah. when i get back i'll be getting a job post haste, have some new debt to pay off as well as another course to save for. this will be the first time i get out of reno since i've been back, excited a bit for it.

here's a good reason not to get a penis enlargement.
a good webpage for will truce, the primatologist.
this is scary, makes me only want to swim in rivers lakes and pools.

Posted by bendan at July 4, 2003 09:27 PM

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