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July 09, 2003

links links links

got excited to see this, Heather Havrilesky, who was the best writer at suck.com, is continuing with the rabbit character at rabbitblog.com (i'll link all this tomorrow when i get to a real browser). hope it's not all gossip.
Nike bought converse. quick buy up the last on the shelf converse at 35 bucks a pair (which is still total bullshit) before then cost 50.
read down in this article, the japanese are kicking our asses in terms of weird ass reality shows.
i was a fan of these cards back in the day. wonder if they'll make them all lame now, or stick to the original gross out formula?
things i may soon have to pay attention to.

Posted by bendan at July 9, 2003 11:18 PM

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