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July 13, 2003
it finally rained
the rain this after noon was excellent, the sky was red with dust and the wind was blowing in our direction. birds were zipping overhead, only going in one direction, hopefully the direction they were planning on going. then it started raining.
i guess this town only gets 10 or so inches of rain a year, i got to see about an inch of it. like vegas, the city is laid out with little regard to precipitation, so the streets turn to rivers and driving skills go out the window. i love how the desert smells after rain.
had a nice day, woke up on the roof, watched some family guy episodes, then went swimming. after that, burritos for lunch, then a nap, then a good dinner. then some lame parties, but now i'm back at the house, looking at maps.
the thing is, that albuquerque is only 7 hours from here. that's not so far. and i really miss my grandma, and worry about her health, and i still have enough money to get me there and back to reno. think i might do it. not sure yet though.
Posted by bendan at July 13, 2003 01:02 AM
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