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July 08, 2003

interpreting course

the course is going good, just finished the second day. kinda weird that only tomorrow are we getting into the workshops to practice the tecniques we've been talking about, but i guess they feel that sufficient background is necessary. my lack of knowledge of medical terminology will make tomorrow interesting, but i'm not too worried, i find that even if i don't know an exact term or verb, i can work around that and make myself understood.
being back in a school setting is interesting, i was surprised to hear my own voice when first asked a question, but this being here and being interested in the subject matter in a way that i can see it's real world applications makes me excited. plus speaking all the spanish is great, in a way it's a shame that i'm not staying at the hotel where all the out of town folks who've come for the course are staying, some of them are good to talk to, but then again it's 20 or 30 bucks a night, and i'm couching it for free. the guys i'm hanging out with are good folks, i'm gonna bust out the pancake recipe that i love so well saturday morning to say thanks. plus they clued me in a to a falafel joint up the road, and a chinese restaurant with fake meat dishes. mmmm, fake meat.
rode home from the final lecture a few minutes ago, in a hot, hot wind. there's something about said wind that is gross, your lip curls and and you want to run for an air conditioned place. i can't imagine where the water for this city comes from, apparently the downtown area is expected to start sinking in a few years cause they've drained the aquifers located beneath it.
ok, that's all for now. i'll probably throw a link up tonight.

Posted by bendan at July 8, 2003 06:02 PM

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