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July 31, 2003

catch up

things are alright in reno these days, i've aquired myself a frantic plebian job of delivering pizzas, it's averaging out to between 13 and 16 bucks and hour with tips, plus i don't have to make pizzas or anything, plus i get to listen to npr for 2 hours of my shift, plus everyone is happy to see me when i come to their doors. not a career option mind you, but ok for now.
been climbing thrice a week, feel like i'm coming up on where i was strength wise before i left for mexico. got john springer addicted as well, he's a good partner. it was nice when drew lived here cause we were much closer in ability, but it's alright.
starting to plan my trip to mexico for the wto protest. here's a good sheet about reasons to go there and make an alternative perspective known.

here's what saddam hussein's boys are doing right now.

burningman is coming up, which led me to dig up this old photo of the mullet ranger from '01. what a champion.

Posted by bendan at July 31, 2003 11:32 AM

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