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June 24, 2003

11 days till i go to arizona

signed up and paid for the medical part of the interpreter course i'm doing, when i get there if i find a good place to stay and the program looks worth it, i might take a loan and stay for the judicial part as well, not sure yet, money is extremely tight. today or tomorrow i'm buying daveo's car from him, the badass toyota camry. i'll be rolling down to arizona in that machine, then plan to do some west coasting towards idaho and oregon to visit drew. drew actually just headed out the door, he was down for about a week, good times man, makes me bummed we don't live in the same city. did some climbing, some slingshot paintball in which i nailed his inner thigh twice in the same spot (hehe), and some drinking. good fun.
since i'm not doing so well on money i've taken to selling books i have on ebay, not so much of a bummer, since what usually happens is that i lend my books to folks and never see them again. this time, i get some bucks for it.
been mountain biking like a madman with daveo, who lately has had a hair up his ass, and tears up the trails not even breaking a sweat. i could write my laggin off to my single speed bike, but that's just excuses. i should whoop ass on steve when he gets back from being bikeless in santiago, at least for a few weeks. it'll be a first.
drew and i could work for the irs. hehe.

Posted by bendan at June 24, 2003 12:18 PM

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