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February 27, 2003
isla de ometepe
so i went to granada, ran into paddy the crazy scot who i had met almost 3 months ago in tulum, mexico, we´ve been palling around, pascual and joanna are quite ´occupied´ with each other, doing the couple sickly in love thing, it´s cute. went to a baseball game, that was great, spent half the time explaining the rules to brits and aussies, half the time talking to nicaraguans and drinking, granada beat leon the other big city 11 to 5, we all cheered and spilled a little beer. last night went to some open mike night, ran into dave the essex boy from utila, he was working in the bar, he´s back to england in a week. one exciting thing in granada was when i got kicked out of some fancy youth hostel, it was 6 a night as opposed to the 2.33 i was paying, i was trying to sneak free internet time. the lady was a little too furious for such a minor offense i thought, she banned me from the premises. it´s a mistaken conclusion i think that anyone can get rich running a youth hostel, a veces you meet these angry folks who are bitter that the dollars aren´t being raked in, i say what do you expect. ok i´ll be back in email contact soon, hope everyone is having good times, even where it´s snowy and cold.
Posted by bendan at February 27, 2003 11:14 AM
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