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January 04, 2003
waiting in palenque for the truck out to Roberto Barrios
the bus from palenque was a long long ride, got here at 6 am, almost forgot my shoulder bag on the bus but remembered to go grab it before too late. went and found the camioneta (truck) that will take me out to the community, and i stashed my pack in there. then went and got some breakfast, wrote and mailed a letter to grandma, and now i`m back on the internet, since there`s nothing else to do in palenque town. i have a few hours to kill, i`ll do this for a while then go walk around i guess.
last night was really fun, hung out with genevieve (spelled your name right that time), anna and the canadian folks who showed back up at the hostel cause they couldn`t get a bus to oaxaca. i have to say the last couple of days i`ve done more laughing then in quite a while, the combination of the sardonic aussie/new zealand humor of genevieve and anna plus all the weird people and things we`ve seen had us taking the piss out of (making fun of) nearly everything. every time i hear someone speak in that serious hippy manner about ¨energy¨ and ¨vibrations¨ i`m gonna have to check myself from being a dick to them. it was cool to meet a riot grrrl from australia and to hear anna tell the most lurid stories of my trip so far, i`ll almost be scared now to make it to n.z. just kidding.
by the way, the links on this lower left of this page i added myself, it was probably the most simple thing in all of html writing but i was pretty proud of myself. go check out steve`s webpage, he`s a funny guy.
Posted by bendan at January 4, 2003 09:04 AM
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