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December 26, 2002

time to change blogs so

time to change blogs

so yesterday i wrote like 10 pages about cuba and new years eve here in san cristobal, and i tried to post it, and the piece of shit blogger.com program choked and lost it. i was proud of what i had written, and now it´s lost into the empty void of the internet. i still kinda feel like writing about christmas eve, i had a really good time at the hostel and at a house party of some mexicans, but i´m not gonna do it right now, now i´m gonna write to drew and ask for him to help me change to moveable type, he prefers it and that´s what steve´s using as well.
been getting myself set up to go work in a zapatista village.
man i´m really aggravated right now, gonna go do something else.
blogger.com sucks.

Posted by bendan at December 26, 2002 11:53 AM

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