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December 03, 2002

leaving san cristobal tomorrow. people

leaving san cristobal tomorrow. people don´t believe me when i say it. it´ll be good to be on the road again.
bruce and kath left, it was great fun having them here. someday i´ll make it down to tasmania.
emily and also the basque folks all made it home safely, i´m glad.
i get to see my brother in 10 days, quite excited.
pascual got here two days ago, he´s the same quebequoi drinking machine, very fun to have him here and have him ask me, when he´s doubting whether i´m telling him some bullshit, ¨but really, for true man?¨ good old quebec accent.

ok here are some links
an update on the worst sex scenes in recent fiction award, ethan hawke is up for it, man that guy sucks.
a new get your war on, it´s good to see someone talk shit about henry kissenger.
that´s all for now.

Posted by bendan at December 3, 2002 09:41 AM

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